Suzie Vinograd

What is synergy to Me?

Synergy is a variation of what I was missing when I first moved to Winston from the DC area 10 (!) years ago. It is a second home, a community that is predicated on unifying people, while holding space for the individual on their unique health journey- physically, mentally and spiritually. It is a community that holds each other accountable to continue showing up, rising to/ above, and becoming.

What’s in my headphones?

Mmm. Totally depends- sometimes it's a podcast (10% Happier, Super Soul, Rich Roll, Mindbody Green), often times it’s a mix of music I listen to while cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, or to suit the mood of a class I am preparing for. Think a mix of music that makes you want to dance + rage and music that makes you want to be gentler, introspective and flow. <3

how do i find myself in movement?

I grew up an athlete and a performing artist- specifically I was a dancer in a pre professional company from 6-12th grade and prior to that I went to tons of summer arts performance camps. It's just in my blood- not my genes though, haha. In college I got really into yoga at the suggestion of my parents who had just begun their practice of Lyengar yoga at a local studio close to my home. Sure enough, I was hooked (though I started out with heated yoga- Bikram and Vinyasa). Yoga unlocked the door and paved my path in a way that I think was destiny.

A QUOTE or lyric that speaks to me:

“To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float.” -Alan Watts